techpro india

About Us

At Techpro India manufacturers, suppliers of reverse osmosis water purifier systems, coolers, designer mops, electrical parts, equipments. We Undertak Design, Engineering, Manufacturing, Production, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of the plants to remove various impurities from water. We offer our plants to meet specific demands and requirements of our clients. We offer plant capacities ranging from 10 PH to 1,00,000LPH.

We are an ISO 9001:2008 organization following total quality control, good manufacturing practices and highly professional process management. We are a team of highly experienced engineers, skilled professionals and able administrators.

Our process flow char Includes the following:

a) Assessment of client's requirements after detailed interaction with the technical person of the client. b) In house discussion of the engineers regarding the design aspects. c) Design and diagram of the plant. d) Cost estimates in consulation with the commercial deptt e) Quatation to the client. f) Meeting with the client and finalization of the work order. g) Production and procurement of the components of the plant. h) Comprehensive testing of the quality of the components. i) Delivery of the components at the client's site. j) Installation and commissioning of the plant.

A few of the common water problems with their possible affects on human beings are listed below:

a) Acid water-low PH (liver or kidney damage, gastrointestinal problem including nausea and vomiting) b) Bacteria, Cysts and Viruses (hepatitis, giardisis, typhoid, dysentery and/ or cholera) c) Sediment, Sand, Silt and Turbidity (grit between the teeth) d) Iron and Manganese (mn hazardous for central nervous system) e) Hardness- high calcium and magnesium f) Chloramines and chlorine (skin irritation, asthma, deadly to patients on dialysis, respiratory problems) g) Fluorides (cancer, diabetes, thyroid and neurological disorders, heart disease, arthritis and osteoporosis) h) Corrosion i) Nitrate-Nitrite (blue baby syndrome, diuresis, spleen hemorrhage) j) Methane (asphyxiation and explosion hazard) k) Arsenic (thickening and discoloration of skin, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, numbness, partial blindness and paralysis, cancer of bladder, lungs, skin, kidney, liver and prostrate) l) Sulphur-hydrogen sulphide (horrible odors) m) Chemicals and toxins (Endocrine disruptors, cancerous tumors, birth defects and developmental disorders)